LUISS University Press
Philosophy and Public Issues – Filosofia e Questioni Pubbliche - A journal of moral, political, legal and social philosophy
PPI – Philosophy and Public Issues
Editorial Board
NS, Vol. 10, no. 1 (2020) § Liberalism and Social Justice (ed. by Ingrid Salvatore)
§ Book Symposium: On Samuel Freeman, Liberalism and Distributive Justice
§ Book Symposium
Samuel Freeman
Liberalism and Distributive Justice. A Précis
William A. Edmundson
The Choice of a Social System: Reflections on a “property-owning democracy and the difference principle”
Alan Thomas
Freeman on Property-Owning Democracy
Jessica Flanigan
The Rawlsian Mirror of Justice
Alexander Kaufman
Reasoning About Distributive Justice. Justice as Fairness and Basic Social Institutions
Ingrid Salvatore
Work in Property-Owning Democracy: Freeman, Rawls, and the Welfare State
Samuel Freeman
Replies to Critics
§ Papers
Carlo Cordasco
The Shpolitics Question to Political Realism and Practice-Dependent Theory
Jon Garthoff
Rawlsian Anti-Capitalism and Left Solidarity